Sunday, January 08, 2006

On August 10, 2005, I left Boise, Idaho, my home town and chief place of residence for most of my 50 years, to move 637.1 miles away (thank-you Yahoo! Maps ) to attend seminary at Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, CA. I told folks I would keep in touch, but really, my beloved partner, Teresa has been doing a better job at this than I. I'm starting this blog in hopes that it will be an effective and fun way to keep in touch over the next few years.

If you have nothing better to do right now, do a google search on seminarian blog. My there are some very interesting seminarian blogs out there! Most seem to be Catholic, thought I have not done thorough research on this. With some you can tell the seminarian ran out of steam. Others are pretty darn thought provoking. Still others are mainly a place for the blogger to vent steam. I hope my blog will be interesting, thought provoking. Now there will probably be some home movie type stuff in it but I hope I can make that entertaining for you all.

This blog is, like all blogs, a work in progress. So peek back often. God willing and the creek don’t rise, it will be worth your while.


Anonymous said...

Hm-m-m-m! So you have a blog-site now. We-e-ell-ll-ll, I guess I'd better "get on the ball"! (so to speak) First my son sets up a blog-sit, and now "Baby Sister"! Your nephew's blog-site, BTW, is at You'will find it interesting reading; he's kept it since he started traveling in the Covenant Players drama ministry at the beginning of A.D. 2004. And thru the blog-site postings he keeps everyone up with where in these United States he and his troupe are performing. The latest troupe (they go out for half a year at a time) was the Texas troupe, and he/they was/were in San Antonio twice, in August 2005 and again in November. And on the latter date I got to help David celebrate his 24th birthday! On the Riverwalk, no less!

Yes, I'm glad you've set this up. It's a fun way to communicate. However. . . it doesn't fill in for, let alone replace, live voice commo via telephone. You have my number! Call sometime!

I love you, Sis!

Glen Alan

Debbie of Boise said...

Mi hermono, thanks for your comments. I like this way of keeping touch so I do hope we will be communicating more often this way. Paz!