Friday, February 24, 2006

Medical Update - Chemo went well

My apologies to my regular readers. I’ve left you hanging since my last post. It’s been an intense time. I’ve had a case of shingles, which thankfully did resolve nicely since I got on medication right away. This did delay the start of treatment for kidney disease though.

I finally got all my results back from the tests on my heart and lungs. Pulmonary function and my heart are normal. Several years ago I had an echo cardiogram that showed a mildly prolapsed mitral valve. That is not there now. Way cool. I have not had any more episodes of shortness of breath and my endurance and energy is better.

Also, there were still fears and anxieties around the Cytotoxan that I need to work through. I needed to reframe the way I thought about Cytotoxan. As a nurse, I am aware of the serious side effects that may come with Cytotoxan. Cytotoxan also has healing properties (that’s why it is prescribed). I have been able focus on those properties and I have sought to put on the mind of Christ about this whole matter.

Yesterday I had my first treatment and it went very well, thanks be to God. There was no nausea or other reactions. (Phew!) This therapy is truly a process and other side effects may not become evident until later. I have a whole slug of people praying for me, here in Berkeley and the whole seminary and in Boise and elsewhere. I take those prayers into my heart and clam the healing and love that is there. This is something I did two years ago when I was so very sick. Now I can do this at an even deep level. This is the joy of spiritual practice, it does improve with practice!

I’ve added a new link down in the Links of Note section. It’s called Alicia's Story - Cancer, Despair, Hope and Faith. Alicia is a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle and is blogging about her journey with cancer. Hers is an amazing story and will worth following.

Peace to you all and be well


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sis, for your update on your treatment!

You have even more folk praying for you than you may think. At every opportunity I ask people here in San Antonio to pray for you. E.g., at one of my churches, the one I attend the most (Mexican Christian Ch.), at prayer time during the worship the preacher invites folk to come up by the communion table and share concerns (& praises) and yesterday I went up & asked for prayers for you. A Hispanic UMC also on the Westside has a Tue. eve. prayer & Bible study that I attend occasionally; I was there last Tue. & asked for prayers for you. La hermana who writes down each one's requests & then prays the list is a powerful prayer warrior with a beautiful Spanish voice (I don't think I've ever heard her speak in English even tho' she understands it).

Well the above should encourage you. Appropriately, since you encouraged me with your comment in the penultimate ("next-to-last" in linguistics) paragraph, about how spiritual practice improves with practice! Indeed it does!

The Lord Jesus be with you and walk with you thru every valley and on every mountain!

Tu hermano, Glen

Debbie of Boise said...

Thank you my brother, mi hermano querido. It is wonderful to know all those folks are praying for my, especially the prayer warrior praying en Español, la lengua de ángulos.

It is especially moving and healing to me, that though we have difference on some issues, we recognize Christ in each other and we do love each other.

Blessed by God of the gift of love.
Bendecido sea JesúsChristo

Su hermana
